¥ Quits automatically after drag and drop conversion (in System 7).
¥ You can drag and drop any file type now, not just text files. Any file that aren't TrueType fonts will be skipped automatically.
¥ Added Compress Font Names option.
¥ If a file exists with the same name (when converting from Windows to the Mac) you will be asked if you want to overwrite the existing file, skip the one youÕre converting, or stop the whole conversion process. When going from Mac to Windows, the file name is automatically renamed within the 8-character limit.
¥ Will not crash anymore if there is not enough memory to load the font. Tells you how much memory is needed.
¥ Builds more complete FOND resources now. It does not include the character-width or kerning tables because the Font Manager uses the ones included in the TrueType font.
¥ Does more checking to see if the font really is a TrueType font.
¥ The progress display is more detailed.
¥ Much more descriptive error messages.
¥ Rewrote Windows to Mac conversion code.
¥ Apple menu items work now.
¥ Changed About.
Version 1.1 changes:
¥ Font suitcases can be converted. All the TrueType fonts in the suitcase file will be pulled out and converted separately.
¥ The progress dialog was changed slightly to include the name of the font being converted.
¥ Added the Create Suitcases option.
Version 1.0.1 changes:
¥ Fixed an embarrassing bug that caused it to crash on Macs without Color QuickDraw.